Digital Media Awards 2022

It is our great pleasure to announce that the Mercedes-Benz G-Box has won the Gold Award for “Best Use of Technology” for Campaign Asia-Pacific's Digital Media Awards 2022, which recognizes truly remarkable work that has a positive impact on people, brands and society in the Greater China region.
The independent judging panel, comprising a balance of specialist knowledge, experience and objectivity, credited the “phygital” and customer-centric retail elements of the G-Box, which combines several different technologies in an immersive design to create a unique and rewarding purchasing experience. Produced through a close collaboration of three agencies: anySCALE (Industrial Design), mediaman Shanghai (Digital  & Implementation), and U-Isaria (Construction & Implementation), the G-Box fully engages the customer’s senses, enabling them to visualize different configurations and tailor their G-Class to their personal preferences.
In the near future, the G-Box will play an important role in revolutionizing shopping at Mercedes-Benz dealerships and other retail locations. anySCALE’s contribution to this project exemplifies our commitment to creative and innovative design that serves to redefine brand experiences and create lasting value for customers and companies. 

我们很高兴地宣布,梅赛德斯-奔驰 G-Box项目在由Campaign Asia-Pacific 主办的2022年中国数字媒体大奖(Digital Media Awards)中荣获“最佳技术应用”金奖,该奖项旨在表彰大中华地区对人类、品牌和社会最具积极影响力的杰出项目。
该奖项的独立评审团从专业知识、经验和客观性方面权衡,认为 G-Box项目在“虚实融合(phygital)”以及以客户为中心的零售元素方面独具特色,它将多种不同的技术结合在沉浸式设计中,创造出独特有利的购买体验。通过三方密切合作,即anySCALE任督设计(负责工业设计)、mediaman Shanghai(负责数字与执行)和 U-Isaria(负责构建与实施),G-Box可谓充分激发了客户的感官,令他们得以可视化不同的配置,根据独特的个人喜好定制属于自己的G-Class。

Read More - G-BOX