Bowtie & Bubble Dogs



Red Circle



90 sqm
Project team
Tom Chan, Vivian Zhang, Xiangxiang Luo
Xia Zhi, Tom Chan

Located at Central Park in Beijing, Bubble Dogs is a café designed by anySCALE which offers delicious coffee, hot dogs, and sparkling drinks with an hidden bar called Bowtie Whisky Bar. The shop owner, Mr. Ken, is a key opinion leader on whisky in China with many ardent followers on the Red Circle media platform.
The design of the coffee bar is composed of pink and light-blue colors on a white background. It is a simple and neat triangular space with floor-to-ceiling glass walls and an adjoining long high-table. Four pairs of legs are painted on the glass wall from the outside for a humorous interpretation of the seated customers within.
Further inside, there is a glass door guarded with a pass code that leads into a dark space. Here resides the whisky bar, dressed in a suave grey, blue, and orange color scheme. Whole cement walls and ceilings, copper metal frames and grids, and transparent strip printed glass accompanied by soft lights and lamps all add to the allure and mystique of this vintage bar.

这是位于新城国际(Central Park)商区的一个酒吧,从属于红圈(Red Circle)线下项目,由当今中国新锐的威士忌关键意见领袖(KOL,Key Opinion Leader)啃老师(Mr. Ken)主理,从一开始,就让威士忌粉丝们对它充满期待。
整个空间分为两部分,从外面看是Bubble Dogs,供应手冲咖啡和自制热狗,还有各种带汽饮料,整体是粉红粉蓝色调的,一个简单利落的三角形空间,两面落地玻璃,沿着玻璃是通长的吧台,客人坐着吧凳面朝玻璃看着外面的人来人往、树影风花,人和玻璃以及玻璃上的手绘图案一起组成一个有趣的互动橱窗,充满乐趣。霓虹灯招牌和定制的超级植物(Super Plants)装置相映成趣,带出生机盈然的怀旧质感。
在墙上输入密码,然后推开Bubble Dogs咖啡吧台边上的一个玻璃门,便进入了另外一个暗调空间,墙面和天花都是通体手工暗印花暖灰色大师漆,铜色金属框架、铜色金属网格和透亮的条形印花玻璃组成吧台背景挂墙酒架和落地的酒柜,不同颜色的大色块BOLON地毯,这三个元素组成整个空间的基础格调。加上精致的黑色皮质吧椅配合木质台面吧台,暖灰色布艺沙发配合大理石台面桌子,橘色皮质单椅搭配木质茶几,凸显细节的铜艺灯具和摆件穿插其中,软性金属编织帘透出落地窗户玻璃上卡通漫画,从各国收集的艺术挂画和黑胶唱片则成为空间与威士忌和谐共处的精神纽带。