Las Musas Taco Bar



Slow Boat Brewery



120 sqm
Design Team
Erica Borsa, Jacopo Saleri, Andreas Thomczyk, Alex Xu
Vincent Wu
Iconic Award 2021

anySCALE's latest project is the colorful oasis of Las Musas, Slow Boat's Brewery's latest Mexican food venture in the heart of Beijing's Chaoyang District. Located in the same building as Slow Boat Brewery's flagship Sanlitun brewpub, Las Musas offers sophisticated tapas dining set to a kaleidoscope of Mexican color-inspired decor and drinks.

Though a relatively small venue, its high ceiling and open space design combined with bold color schemes make the space feel large, intimate, and welcoming. Taking inspiration from the Mexican holiday Day of the Dead or Día de Muertos, which celebrates life and death, the team wanted to combine two main architectural elements: the raw materials of traditional Mexican architecture juxtaposed with solid color accents.

Customers enter Las Musas via a recess entrance, creating a transition space from the street to the cozy environs. Directly in front of the venue is a wide pedestrian area with a strike of greenery for al fresco dining in the summer. The brick pattern enclosure gives a lantern-like effect, providing privacy for customers while illuminating a sense of curiosity outside. On the inside, materials are rusty steel and brick with bold Mexican-colored tiles underfoot—turquoise, red, and blue dominate throughout, with negative black space further enhancing the graphic art.

From logos, fonts, and presentation style, anySCALE's graphic team strove to deliver a holistic design, collaborating closely with Georgia-based interior designer Jacopo Saleri who created a unique visual brand identity.

Las Musas是一间色彩艳丽的墨西哥餐吧,隶属悠航鲜啤旗下,位于北京商业中心三里屯区域,与悠航鲜啤共享一栋楼,提供精致丰富的西班牙小吃,以及绚彩多姿如万花筒般的酒水饮料。

空间相对狭小,但是有很好天花高度,开放通透的空间设计,结合大胆的配色,整体视觉依旧宽敞、私密且温馨。设计团队从墨西哥最重要的庆祝生死轮回的亡灵节 (Día de Muertos) 中汲取灵感,将传统墨西哥的建筑材料,结合高纯度的彩色装饰,相得益彰。

餐厅正前方是一排宽敞的行人专用道,在夏天可以让顾客享受到户外用餐清风拂面绿意盎然的感觉,客户穿过玄关侧面进入Las Musas, 瞬间远离了街道的喧嚣。砖砌的图案给人一种灯笼般的半透明效果,在提供用餐私密性的同时,又激发过客的好奇心,想一探究竟。餐厅的内部材料为锈铁和砖,地面大胆使用墨西哥的彩色瓷砖:绿色、红色和蓝色,配上整体暗黑的空间,凸显了墙面上的艺术涂鸦。

不单单是室内设计,anySCALE的平面团队也为Las Musas提供了一整套与空间搭配的品牌视觉形象设计,从品牌Logo、字体应用到衍生展示,相辅相成!