We are delighted to announce that anySCALE has received 5 ICONIC AWARDS for the Innovative Architecture competition in 2021, with the CR Land HDT Showroom, Las Musas Restaurant, CP HQ Office, Matsu 1+1 Booth and Verizon Hong Kong Office designs, all taking home prizes this year.
Organized by the German Design Council, the international ICONIC AWARDS: Innovative Architecture competition honors the best architectural and design solutions from around the world. The competition promotes holistic concepts in architecture, interior design, product design, and brand communication, awarding designs that integrate these disciplines in an innovative and sustainable manner.
For the anySCALE team, these awards further validate our philosophy to create designs with identity and purpose. anySCALE remains committed to progression, rethinking human engagement in the workplace and other spaces, to produce innovative and sustainable designs with people in mind.
一次性斩获五项大奖!这是anySCALE今年交出的其中一张优异的成绩单,获奖项目包括: 华润置地幸福里招商中心、Las Musas墨西哥餐厅、正大集团总部办公室、玛祖铭立1+1展台,以及Verizon香港总部办公室,恭喜业主!
ICONIC AWARDS 标志性设计奖•创新建筑奖代表了当代全球建筑设计的成就和品质。该大奖为建筑师、规划师,以及他们在工业设计和品牌传播领域的合作伙伴,提供了一个国际竞赛的平台,通过ICONIC AWARDS跨行业的、包含网络和媒体的宣传攻势,让创新发展的成就浮出水面,并在行业专家和公众中得到广泛传播。
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