




1,800 sqm
Design team
Karin Hepp, Eason Wang
Xia Zhi

German Design Award 2020

For this project, anySCALE was tasked with bringing new life to a portion of the Joy City shopping mall. A large section of the 4th floor was cleaned up to create a young and fresh new concept. The client specifically wanted a live events space that would be appealing to shoppers attracted to the trendy local clothing vendors. The area was designed with dance club elements such as a bar, DJ table, and lighting displays not traditionally expected in a mall setting. The event programs and artistic video installations were all concepts by the MVM design label.
On the outset, design leader Karin Hepp had the idea to create a unique space which would inspire the imagination and make one feel that they are no longer on Earth, but floating in outer space. To replicate this feeling, aluminum foam was the only material utilized in the beginning. Hanging displays of clothing and artwork were also initially used to add to this floating feeling. In the final build, aluminum paneling, the live DJ, bar, and LED lighting elements were primarily used.

在UNI_JOY的设计工程中,anySCALE肩负着将一个充满活力与生机的潮流街区带入到大悦城购物商场内的重任。大悦城四楼的大片公共区域都被清空,悄然酝酿着一次质的蜕变。由于进入到此潮流街区的品牌门店都是来自本土及国外的一线潮流设计品牌,客户想通过搭建一个现场演出活动的空间,来增加各潮牌店的公众关注度及客流量。因此,anySCALE在设计理念中融入了club的元素,将酒吧、DJ 台、还有充满动感的舞台照明一并结合到空间设计中,打破固守陈规的思维模式,来了一次潮牌、音乐与设计的跨界大轰趴。公区内的LED大屏播放的是由MVM (摩登天空) 匠心打造的视觉艺术设计内容。
主创设计师Karin Hepp期望透过设计创意及巧思打造一个独一无二的异星球空间,激发顾客的想象力,将每个进入空间的人带入到脱离地球表面、瞬间漂浮在外太空的幻觉中。为了诠释此设计意图,设计团队将泡沫铝这种创新装饰材料大胆引用到了空间设计中,作为设计的主轴,并通过与服饰及艺术品悬挂陈列的交互搭配方式,营造悬浮感,并与live DJ台、酒吧、LED灯光照明灯等其它主要设计元素完美兼容、交相辉映。