anySCALE featured prominently at Shenzhen Creative Design Week 2022, where we showcased this year’s ICONIC award-winning projects with a unique booth display, and co-founder Tom Chan gave two speeches at the request of the German Design Council and the International Architecture and Design Association.
anySCALE在2022深圳创意设计周上表现突出,展示了今年荣获ICONIC奖的项目,采用了独特的展位设计。此外,应德国设计委员会和国际建筑与设计协会的邀请,联合创始人Tom Chan发表了两场演讲。

Our “In the Eye of the Crocodile” booth garnered much attention. The dark grey metal box was shaped to resemble the open mouth of a crocodile with large jagged teeth. Each “tooth” was a brightly illuminated still of this year’s ICONIC award-winning projects – Shum Yip Showroom, YRD Hi-Tech Park Canteen, Huatai Securities Private Banking Center, and Porsche Showroom in Guangzhou. Visitors could take a closer look at these projects by peeping into the “eye” of the crocodile, which houses an interactive slideshow.
我们的“In the Eye of the Crocodile”展位吸引了众多关注。这个深灰色金属箱的设计灵感来源于鳄鱼张开的嘴巴,搭配大型锯齿状的牙齿。每颗“牙齿”都是今年荣获ICONIC奖的项目——深业展示厅、长三角高科技园区食堂、华泰证券私人银行中心以及广州保时捷展厅的明亮灯箱展示。参观者可以通过窥视鳄鱼的“眼睛”来更近距离地了解这些项目,“眼睛”中设置了一个互动式幻灯片,提供丰富的视觉体验。
During the first day of the fair, Tom Chan spoke at the German Design Council’s ICONIC Trends forum about supporting our long-term clients and adapting to the aftermath of the pandemic.

After working at home for so long, he emphasized the importance of bringing home to the office. The following day, Tom expanded on the concept of creating a sense of belonging through design during his speech for the International Architecture and Design Association.

anySCALE’s notable presence at this year’s Shenzhen Creative Design Week exemplifies the company’s commitment to innovative design that adapts to the needs of its clients and users during difficult and uncertain times.