anySCALE’s Shanghai Director, Simon Berg, was recently invited to serve as a judge for the first "Your House Our Love" real-life interior design showcase event hosted by nobilia China.

On February 8, 2023, the first "Your House Our Love" showcase hosted by nobilia China was successfully concluded. With proactive participation of designers from across the country, the event conveyed perceptions about "Your House Our Love" through ingenious work and different presentation methods. Each showcase endows the home with warmth and depth, while exhibiting the charisma of space design to the fullest extent.
In the finals, 15 selected designers gathered at the headquarters of nobilia China in Shanghai to present 15 designs for nobilia House. From the mutual learning and exchange of ideas, the finalists broadened their horizons, obtained new perspectives and insights into life, aroused more inspiration, and improved their professional competence. By servicing the personalized needs of different families and residents, they strove to materialize the blueprint for ideal life and regain the essence of a wonderful life.
2023年2月8日,由诺必利亚中国主办的首届“Your House Our Love”展示活动圆满落幕。在全国设计师的积极参与下,活动通过匠心独运的作品和多样的展示方式,传递了对“Your House Our Love”的独特见解。每一件展示作品都赋予家居温度与深度,同时将空间设计的魅力展现得淋漓尽致。