MATSU 1+1 Booth






228 sqm
Design Team
Simon Berg, Andreas Thomczyk, Tom Chan, Autumn Yang, Strahinja Petrovic
Vincent Wu
Iconic Award 2021,Red Dot 2022

MATSU 1+1 booth show us bring together two long-term clients for a unique co-branding experience for this year's Shenzhen Design Week.
Held at the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, the event is one of the world's largest design exhibitions, with over 600 exhibitors participating. Competition for product exposure is fierce.
We conceived of bringing together MATSU and ZWYN because of our vision of future office designs focused on work-health balance. MATSU already designs ergonomic furniture for corporate fitness, and ZWYN is a leading fitness industry KOL.
Our challenge was to create a booth for three days but standing out as visually iconic against the glut of brands and displays. Our design formulated a color palette to reflect a sense of "sportiness," using darker gym colors of black and grey against bold soccer colors like orange for juxtaposition.
Orange and black dominate the aluminum framework, which recalls a soccer goal, golf net, or fighting cage. In contrast, green and white permeate as visual counterpoints to the two dominant colors. We used wood for warmth in the inlays and displays for flyers and postcards, including the climbing wall and reception desk.
The booth itself is a square space divided by sliding panels, some of which are magnetic whiteboards to write on or to remove when needed. Inside, we integrated a brand new product by MATSU called "X-brick" – multiple 25x33x50 boxes used for makeshift seats, stages, or even coffee tables.
The key to the project was our understanding of marketing to be visually and experientially iconic. MATSU is the maker of modern work-life balance furniture, and ZWYN promotes its lifestyle. The whole design is temporary with intense colors, nets, and modular interfaces – a coming together of multiple industries to score one common goal.

在2021 年深圳设计周上, 我们为大家带来了一场独特的品牌跨界体验。
作为国际化大型设计博览会之一,本次深圳设计周在深圳国际会展中心隆重举行,吸引了超过600多家展商参展,设计类产品展示琳琅满目。怀抱着对未来办公环境的设计愿景,以实现办公与健康的平衡为目标,anySCALE强强联合两大品牌MATSU (高端办公家具领军品牌) 与ZWYN (健身领域的关键意见领袖),将设计、家具、健身三大主题通过设计巧妙地编织于展会空间里。设计挑战在于,如何在目不暇接的众多展会品牌及展品中,打造一个与众不同的展台。
展台的外框由黑色及橙色的铝框搭建而成,令人联想起足球场中的球门、高尔夫球网、亦或拳击擂台的围栏,奠定了整体空间动感活力的主基调。局部的绿白点缀与橙黑两个主色调形成了强烈的对比及视觉反差。折页及明信片的陈列区,攀岩墙及接待台,透过木色材质的运用为整个展台带来了一抹柔和与温馨。展台整体呈四边形,透过活动隔断进行分割,隔断由白瓷板、木板、铝板等不同材质进行模块化组合,可在需要的时候作为书写板或任意拆卸及替换。展会空间内展示了MATSU的最新产品“X-brick”--- 一款尺寸为25x33x50的功能性产品,可以任意堆叠组合,成为座椅、舞台甚至咖啡桌。在色彩的运用上,透过健身房常见的深黑深灰、搭配球场上鲜明的亮橘,给观者强烈的视觉冲击里,营造多维“律动感”。