
SOHO 3Q Bund



Soho China



Project team
Andreas Thomczyk, Simon Berg, Tracy Pan, Jason Zhang, Chris Liu
Xia Zhi
INSIDE Award 2017

The SOHO 3Q Bund was our third coworking space project for SOHO based in Shanghai and also our biggest 3Q at almost 8,500 square meters over 4 floors.
The new SOHO Bund building was design by GMP and was the only entirely new architecture project in the core area of Shanghai’s historic Bund to be created in the last 60 years. The Bund waterfront in Shanghai is known for its colonial European architecture from the turn of the century and the 1920’s. The design of this new 3Q within this historical setting had to be sensitive to the architectural heritage surrounding it. The SOHO Bund facade uses strong vertical lines in a tribute to the Art Deco style found on the Bund. In the same way, the interior design for 3Q adopted some Art Deco elements.
The colour palette of this new 3Q included more neutral colours with some warm splashes, as well as greys, black and bronze. Some strong, almost geometric patterns, were implemented into the new rug and wallpaper designs, which blended well with the shiny bronze and chrome accents used for furniture details and lighting. An angular, bronze staircase highlights the space, adding a feel of sophistication and class that works well with the Art Deco style of both the coworking space and the architecture beyond.

新的SOHO外滩大楼由德国GMP建筑事务所设计。在近六十多年来,这是上海外滩核心地区唯一一个全新的建筑项目。上海外滩因其欧式殖民风格建筑而闻名,建筑多来自于20世纪20年代前后时期。因此,为致敬外滩的装饰艺术建筑风格,SOHO外滩的外立面采用了垂线设计。 同样的,外滩3Q的室内设计也包含了这个时期特有的装饰艺术风格元素。
全新3Q色调更偏重于中性色彩作为主色调,搭配暖色元素,以及灰色、黑色和古铜色。在地毯和墙纸的定制化设计上,则选择了几何图案为主,而家具及灯具上则采用有特色的古铜金属色作为点缀,和谐且突兀。 用有棱角的古铜色楼梯强调空间感和精致感,与共享工作空间和建筑物自身的装饰艺术风格融合统一,交相呼应。