SOHO 3Q’s foray into Shenzhen’s co-working market comes in form of the company’s first location in trendy sea-side district Shekou. Young, bustling, and teeming with energy, Shenzhen evolves dramatically and rapidly, inspiring the team to go with a regionally-inspired theme which reflects not only the dreamy ideals of the climate but the local spirited lifestyle.
The client-side requirement was that the space feel invitingly cool and contemporary with a touch of luxury. For this, conventionally SOHO 3Q materials such as custom wallpaper, fabrics and wood paneling were supplemented with polycarbonate fittings with brass trimmings, wooden lamellas, and statement chandeliers. The main challenge lay in localizing the SOHO 3Q layouts for the local professionals’ productivity and working needs, which are understood to be different from those of professionals in other regions. Highlights include new design elements such as bright and compact phonebooths and jigsaw sofas; the vivacious tropical color themes across the 3Q make the space appear youthful and energizing.
SOHO 3Q 将其品牌进入深圳联合办公市场的第一步落足于新兴的沿海地区-蛇口。朝气蓬勃、熙攘繁华、活力四射,深圳的飞速发展与巨变亦给予设计团队极大的启发,以当地特色为灵感,在设计中不仅融入了南方热带气候的衍生元素,亦将极具本地精神的生活方式完美呈现。
客户的需求是营造一个友爱亲切、新潮酷炫、亦兼具奢华的现代感设计空间。因此,除了品牌常规的定制壁纸、布艺、木饰面等材料,设计团队引用了贴近黄铜肌理的聚氨酯板、木质隔栅和极具设计感的吊灯,将空间的表现力及张力作了新一层面的提升。在 3Q 平面规划过程中的主要挑战,在于迎合深圳本地用户的专业生产力及其业态工作需求,掌握并理解不同地区的使用需求差异性。