Tablet Hotels Magazine

Wuyuan Skywells Hotel gets glowing review in “Art of More – Extravagance gets a poetic reprieve in China”.

anySCALE’s Wuyuan Skywells Hotel was featured in the November edition of the online magazine from Tablet Hotels, one of the leading global platforms recognizing beautiful hotels from all over the world.

The “Art of More – Extravagance gets a poetic reprieve in China” article features 14 Chinese Hotels which successfully combine modern luxury and exceptional services with outstanding design that expresses unique character and emotion in the architecture.

We are honored to have been included in such an article, appreciating how our efforts restoring the 300-year-old mansion into a high-end boutique hotel have been recognized. Our design provides a luxurious experience that revives the essence of the building, upgrading the space while honoring its history and spirit.

READ MORE:  Wuyuan Skywells