BMW Concessionaires



Sime Darby


Hong Kong

650 sqm
Project team
Mika Woll, Man Tseng Lui, Ewan Xiao, Kevin Wang

The redesign of BMW’s prime showroom in downtown Hong Kong gave our design team the chance to continue to explore the extent to which the BMW corporate interior design guideline can be extended to cater to the needs of specific markets. The BMW Concessionaires showroom has been upgraded to a high-end retail store to support the sales of luxury BMW models. Cars and comfortable sitting arrangements are integrated on the ground floor to promote a more casual sales process. The traditional color pallet, which incorporates black, gray and silver tones, has been reduced and set against an array of seldom used and more luxurious materials - turquoise marble, chocolate golden metal and light gray, creme and blue tones. The surrounding walls are brought to life using three-dimensional surfaces and integrating lighting displays for various displays of BMW’s accessory collections. The second floor of the showroom has been given a facelift to properly showcase BMW’s 3, 4 and 5 series in a more flexible way.

anySCALE为香港市中心的宝马展厅做了重新设计,这个过程中,设计团队就如何将宝马企业室内设计指导纲要进行设计延展,以适应特定市场及人群的课题,有了一次深入探究的机会。BMW Concessionaires展厅此次全面升级为高端零售店面,以契合宝马高端奢华系列车型的销售策略。车辆展示区及舒适的沙发等候区被安置在空间首层,提倡更为轻松的产品销售过程。品牌经典的黑灰银色调在此空间里被刻意弱化,取而代之的,是相对罕见且更为奢华的材料——绿松纹大理石,巧克力金属镶边,搭配浅灰、米白及蓝色调,气质出众,优雅脱俗。四周墙面三维立体质感的纹理大大提升了整个展厅的活力,宝马的周边产品及配饰也通过巧妙的灯光处理进行展示。展厅二层也做了整体改造与升级,通过更为灵巧多变的方式对宝马3、4、5系车辆进行展示。